Description of Scenario
To address global road safety challenges, the United Nations included targets in its 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. A sustainable development goal was established to ensure:
- Access to safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable transportation systems for all citizens
- Improvements in road safety (in particular by expanding and offering safe public transportation)
- Special attention to the mobility and safety needs of vulnerable citizens In line with this global goal, the European Commission released a new European Mobility Package. This package includes a long-term policy framework and strategy for Vision Zero, the EU's goal of moving towards no traffic fatalities and serious injuries by 2050, with a target to halve such outcomes by 2030.
The goal of this Pledger use case is to assist drivers with enhanced perception capabilities, in order to reduce the number of accidents, especially with Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs). In particular, Pledger will be focusing on intersections where the drivers’ visibility may be obstructed, thus missing the presence of a pedestrian or a bicycle approaching. Through smart Edge Cloud infrastructure, the pedestrian or the bicycle will be detected and the surrounding drivers will be notified about their presence.
The infrastructure for enhanced safety will be deployed in the city of Barcelona and will include:
- Sensors infrastructure
- Edge cloud/5G infrastructure
- Advanced embedded systems for automotive
Pledger Benefits and Impact
This use case has a clear potential for societal impact by improving mobility and pedestrian safety in European cities. The use case will also contribute to demonstrate how city infrastructure can become a distributed multi-tenant cloud, and to clarify the interactions between various agents of such future ecosystems. For example, the use case will help understand if OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) providers could be leasing distributed cloud resources directly from a municipality in order to deliver advanced mobility services, or if probably these services should be intermediated by telecom providers, who would aggregate distributed cloud resources from various cities to then offer them on demand to vertical services (e.g. OEMs).